sachac's Blog

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Interests include: #Emacs, #OrgMode, #elisp, #nodejs, #python, #sketchnotes, #parenting, #cooking, #gardening, #knitting, #sewing, #lego, #captioning, #plover #steno, and #stoic philosophy. Originally from Manila, now in Toronto. Married to a Vim guy (go figure) and raising a 7-year old (editor preference unknown), along with two very loud cats.

Blog: (mostly Emacs News these days), sketches: I also maintain and subed.el
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If I process the pads and the IRC logs, I can grab interesting quotes to use in the thank-you notes to speakers. It’ll probably take me a few days, though. Hmm, I think I’ll send a quick thank you note tomorrow to let people know what’s happening next and see if they have other resources they want to add, and then I’ll send them another note when I’ve processed the logs in case there are questions they want to answer, and another when the videos are done, and another when the captions are done (if pending), and another when the Q&A chapter indices are done. :)

Last year I extracted stuff from the pads and IRC within a week after the conf and did most of the Q&A harvesting in December, so it should be doable.

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