sachac's Blog

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Interests include: #Emacs, #OrgMode, #elisp, #nodejs, #python, #sketchnotes, #parenting, #cooking, #gardening, #knitting, #sewing, #lego, #captioning, #plover #steno, and #stoic philosophy. Originally from Manila, now in Toronto. Married to a Vim guy (go figure) and raising a 7-year old (editor preference unknown), along with two very loud cats.

Blog: (mostly Emacs News these days), sketches: I also maintain and subed.el
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We’re getting close to having edited captions for all 26 prerecorded #EmacsConf talks that speakers have uploaded so far, so we’ll be able to stream them with open captions and publish transcripts on talk pages. Might have 13 talks be live, so we’ll caption them afterwards. Yay for speakers and captioning volunteers! We start with automatically-generated captions, but since there are all these technical terms and command names, it’s nice to have people care about getting things right.

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