sachac's Blog

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Interests include: #Emacs, #OrgMode, #elisp, #nodejs, #python, #sketchnotes, #parenting, #cooking, #gardening, #knitting, #sewing, #lego, #captioning, #plover #steno, and #stoic philosophy. Originally from Manila, now in Toronto. Married to a Vim guy (go figure) and raising a 7-year old (editor preference unknown), along with two very loud cats.

Blog: (mostly Emacs News these days), sketches: I also maintain and subed.el
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Two weeks to go until #EmacsConf. I’m probably a yellow on a red-yellow-green scale for feelings, but I’m just going to have to trust that my Org files and the patience of our awesome community will see us through. Dumping my anxieties into helps.

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